14 June 2008

Quiz! (:

a) What's your name? - xie zongjin. :D

b) What does your friends call you? - zongjin, jin arh

c) What time is it now? -1346.

d) If you could change your eye colour, what would it be? - bright red. +))

e) How many pillows are there on your bed? - One.

f) Who was the last text mesage you sent to? - no one

g) What colour is your shirt now? - blue.

h) Who's the fourth person on your contact list? - ah ma.

i) When was the last time you cried? - last week.

j) What school are you in now? - PEIRCE SECONDARY! <- sux

k) Do you have a crush? - Nope.

l) Who was the last person that made you laugh? - no one.

m) How long is your hair? - as long as u imagine.

n) What was the longest time you ever slept? - i dunno, never count before.

o) Have you seen your best friend cried? - yapp!

p) What thing you cant stand? - bias parents

q) What you wanna do now? - cut away my fats.

r) Would you sleep at a friend's house or have them over? - none of it.

s) When was the last time you scolded someone? - 13 june 08.

t) Would you like your friends to do this too? - up to them haha! :D

u) then ask five of your friends to do this test. - aaron, jolene, pei shan, beatrice andd whye keat. =))

copy this, do it and post it at ur blog