3 March 2011

End of school uniform life

Finally everything is over and officially announcing that i have completed my school uniform life in ITE.
To be honest, entering ITE was a great choice to me. At first, i was so afraid that i couldn't go through. However, i'm proud to say that going through ite has made me a stronger and more mature person.
Understanding the stress life of work in future or in my future studies?
I believe that some how i would still miss the class ISB for having such a good memory in me.
Not forgetting "The Shopaholic" for doing out a great job in our very last project.
It was a great one!
Hopefully, we would all still stay in contact with each other and be friends forever.
ANNNDDD, our meeting on the 18 march 2011.
Even though i think not all will be going, but still make tat day a blast and making it a crazy day for all of us.

With memories,