28 May 2011

Week 1 of working life

Time is moving real fast, first week of work has officially ended and all i could say is till now, i'm coping well in the new environment.
Just that i only learnt about the news that the lady i'm replacing is teaching me for 1 week (aka 7 working days) instead of 1 month stated during the interview.
So much things to learn and so little time. There's so much steps in doing each item. Yet, i am still unable to recognise which paper to do under what section more over to refer to the right paper.
Even though she would be leaving her precious notes for me, still i need do some on my own.

And for those who did not catch my previous post, i'm working at ST Electronics, procurement department. :))
Well, the people there are eventually ok for now. Just that i have yet to see their true colours.
Manager is treating me well, friendly and approachable. There's another 2 colleague, 1 which i only saw her once during the interview and she is on leave for 2 weeks. Hopefully, she's nice to work with.

OHYA, this company is running in a very weird system. Lunch hour is 11.40 onwards and around 2.40 you can have tea break. Sounds nice yea? I think so too. :D
Next tuesday would be Norai's last day and she have already kind of "warn me" that i might have to be independent on mon. Coz, she would have to handle some leaving stuffs. :S
Yes, when i was told of her name, i got a shock myself too. she's making me thinking of CMB & WFB lessons. hahahaha.
Whatever for now, i only wished that i could survive well without her for the next weeks till i cope or adjust myself to the environment.

*From now on, i needa response over people calling me queenie. coz is kinda hard for them to call my chinese name, so yea, i introduce myself as queenie after seeing thier expression on how hard it is to pronounce zong-jin. HAHAHAHA
Thus, FRIENDS pls call me queenie from now on. hehe! :D


22 May 2011

Graduate lo!

Yay, we have officially graduated from bishan ite!
The graduation ceremony was kinda simple and a little boring.
But well, thats not the point, the point is all of us did a little catch up on our happenings. :D
This makes me feel that i dont wish to graduate. :((
I miss those carefree schooling days. :((((((((((
Blogging this only makes me feel even sadder to the fact that my holidays have officially come to an end and I'm starting work TOMORROW! :(((((((((((((((
The day finally arrive and i know that i have already prepared my heart to adapt to it. but, still i believe that some last min fear would still be around me tmr or rather tonight. Really hope that everything is gonna be smooth and stress wont find me so early.
Alright, back to topic.
After our graduation, we collected our stuffs and went off to clementi. The few of us were killed with our heels. For me, my recovered injured ankle hurts the next day. So we mac-ed for supper and bid goodbye to each other. All of us agreed to do another catch up soon. but probably july can? haha. never been this broke again after so long...
I need money to start falling down on me. :D



14 May 2011

Last week of enjoyment

Yes, last week of enjoyment. Which relatively means i found a job. And i guess god really heard/seen my blog. Coz in the end i really took up the offer in amk. Everyone said it was so near for me. But i don't have a direct bus to it, and the changing bus part is like i have to wait for one and only bus number. which also means, longer waiting time.
Ok for those who cared about wat kind of job is that, it is a company called ST Electronics. Yea, big company. And i cant own a camera phone. shiok or wat?! So probably i'm gonna get a data phone to kill my boredom. :D To be honest, i haven really tell anyone. Coz i dun find that there is a need to spread to the whole world. Ohya, i already got my clothes prepared. Well you must be thinking so fast?! Yes, coz just nice i was already on a date with jia hui. Might as well get everything first? :D In overall, i'm gonna slack and enjoy watever i can now! Hopefully, i wont regret my choice. :))


9 May 2011

EXWS, 4 feelings

A mixture of emotion right now.
Eager, excited, worried, scared.
My 4 major feeling right now.
Its been almost 2 months of slacking and i seriously think its time for me to move on. I need a new job. Went for interview twice last week, the last one is willing to hire me, but..... after knowing how the pay goes i'm giving it a second thought. They called and asked if i'm still interested still, i replied give me more time, by tmr i shall make my decision. Somehow i already have my ans in mind.
Well, currently only 2 closer friends know abt the interview. Coz i believed them in analysing the best solution with me. Not that my other friends wont, but well... probably they know me too well to a extent that they wont give me a good ans to it. Guess i will continue to keep a lookout in other jobs? Hopefully at least i get a chance for an interview in the amk one.

The sales company i used to work at has an event at expo and that stupid idiotic fellow put my name in. Whereby he did not even ask me and i never promised to work too! Never clean up ur backside job before leaving, waste people's time nia. My main reason for not going back is that i feel shittish, a standby worker for him. So wat's the point of going back?! wat if its like the west mall? No i'm not going to work for that company anymore again.

*where has all the good job gone to? I need one badly. may god hear me and bless me with one.
